Just a quick reminder; when contracting with an EMS agency for your medical standby in Washington State, make sure they are licensed as an EMS Agency in Washington with WA DOH. It is unlawful for any company providing medical standby services, at a BLS or higher level (EMT and up), within WA State without an EMS Agency license granted from the WA Department of Health.
There are companies soliciting for work within WA State without regard for the laws protecting the people of Washington State. These companies have not been vetted properly for credentials, training, or background checks of their staff, are not governed by a WA DOH approved and assigned medical program director (MPD), nor having proper insurance protecting attendees at these events. Too, offering ALS services outside of the designated license area granted by WA DOH is also not allowed, so please be careful. Do not trust your life, or that of your guests, to unverified, unlicensed, and illegal medical standby offers of service.
Norpoint Medical, being a duly licensed WA State EMS Agency, and having the best staff in the medical and rescue arenas, will always provide the most comprehensive and verified EMS Services for your event. All of our license information, insurance information, credentialing and training of our staff is closely monitored and verified by WA State Dept. of Health ensuring you get the best Emergency Medical Services available.